estimada mallorca
I am living my dream. During these 30 years I have experienced many things I could never have imagined. The house, the relationship with my children, having a partner by my side who makes me happy, my animals… Also being able to successfully combine nature and the countryside with the business world. That’s all I could ask for in life.
Thank you
Thank you very much. This is the only thing I can say to Sa Roqueta, which has cared for me so much, and which has given me so much. And by that, I mean all the people who have supported me and accompanied me in this adventure that I am still living today. Also, a big thank you to the people who have not been there, but who have not bothered me and have let me live my life the way I wanted to.
Coming to Mallorca I escaped the German rules, but as a foreigner on the island, I didn’t have to follow the customs here to the letter either. I had a lot of freedom to take my life in my own hands. In truth, this thought and approach has been linked with occasional solitude, but I chose it that way. Being at home, surrounded by nature: trees, plants, animals, bugs… whatever it was, it was fulfilling for me.
My children, in a way, had to adapt or conform to the life I had chosen for us. Maybe they would have preferred to live in a village, close to friends… But as a mother I chose the countryside, and I think they have been very happy and have learned a lot from my choice.
Simplemente Mallorca
I would choose Mallorca again in this life and in all other lives. I would not hesitate for a second. The island is my anchor. It gives me tranquility, balance and makes me spiritually connected to the energy of the environment. By this, I mean that it keeps me grounded, as we are living in crazy times. Living here is the reason why I don’t lose my principles and values.
These (now more than) thirty years have given me many joys and a lot of learning, more than I could have imagined. I hope to be able to continue learning many more years from this place, which is already my home, and to live other adventures that are still to come – always accompanied by my children, my husband, and of course my pets.